About Me
Choosing Incredible Recreational Activities

After we started having children, my husband and I realized that we really needed to do something to improve our free time. We started focusing on going through and finding fun activities that we could do together, and it was incredible to see how much our relationship blossomed. Within a few short months, we found ourselves kayaking down rivers, bungee jumping off of bridges, and playing a ton of great sports. I was really impressed with how much of a difference the new activities we were enjoying were making, and before we knew it we were outdoor enthusiasts. Explore this blog for great ideas on how to choose great recreational activities.


3 Reasons To Consider A Center Console Boat

1 September 2016
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

One of the best types of boats that you can consider is a center console boat, mostly because of the many benefits that it can provide over the competition. Listed below are three reasons to consider buying a center console boat. Visibility Visibility is one of the most important aspects of operating a boat safely, mostly because it can help you spot individuals, wildlife, or debris in the water before it is too late to avoid those obstacles. Read More …