About Me
Choosing Incredible Recreational Activities

After we started having children, my husband and I realized that we really needed to do something to improve our free time. We started focusing on going through and finding fun activities that we could do together, and it was incredible to see how much our relationship blossomed. Within a few short months, we found ourselves kayaking down rivers, bungee jumping off of bridges, and playing a ton of great sports. I was really impressed with how much of a difference the new activities we were enjoying were making, and before we knew it we were outdoor enthusiasts. Explore this blog for great ideas on how to choose great recreational activities.


Use Voice SEO To Expand Your Recreational Marijuana Business To Older Individuals

22 May 2019
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Your state just legalized recreational marijuana, and you're excited to get started with your new dispensary. However, you need to make sure that you focus your SEO not only on a youth audience but an older one as well. One of the best ways to expand your customer base is to integrate voice search SEO technology. Voice Search Will Be Huge A recent Forbes article declared that about 30 percent of all online searches will be done without a screen and, instead, conducted via voice commands. Read More …

3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Buying A Hookah Diving System

18 April 2019
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you enjoy snorkeling, then you'll love hookah diving. You can think of hookah diving as a hybrid between snorkeling and scuba diving. You can go much further beneath the surface of the water when hookah diving, as compared to snorkeling. However, you don't need to carry a tank of air with you. Instead, you'll have air pumped from the surface through a hose and into your mask. If you'd like to get started hookah diving, you'll need to purchase a system. Read More …

Four Benefits of Sending Your Teen Track Athlete to Summer Running Camp

18 March 2019
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If your son or daughter loves running track and cross-country, you may be thinking of sending them to a running camp over the summer. Doing so offers many benefits beyond simply giving them a place to train. Here are four distinct benefits of sending your teen track athlete to a summer running camp. Exposure to New Training Tactics Success in running is all about choosing and following the right training plan. Read More …

Visiting A Legal Marijuana Dispensary 101: A Guide Of Faqs For First Timers

17 February 2019
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Every year it seems a new state goes "green" and makes marijuana a legally acceptable product that can be used for recreational purposes. If the idea of this makes you happy because you've been a long-time fan of cannabis, you probably can't wait to visit the first dispensary. Visiting a legal marijuana dispensary is bound to be a new experience, and it can help to know what to expect. here's a look at some of the more common questions about visiting a legal dispensary for the first time. Read More …

Three Things To Know Before Visiting A Recreational Cannabis Dispensary For The First Time

23 January 2019
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Whether you are familiar with cannabis or are simply wanting to try it for the first time now that it is legal in your state, you may have little to no experience with visiting a dispensary. Although recreational cannabis dispensaries are just shops, the way they do business can be a little bit different due to the nature of their product. The following guide can help you prepare for your first visit so that you know what to expect. Read More …